Verify Your Social Security Records to Maximize Your Benefits
In 2015, Congress made sweeping changes to Social Security. These changes will affect millions of Americans and you may be one of them. During a working life, you paid into the Social Security system knowing that at a future date, Social Security would provide you with retirement benefits.
How your benefits are maximized can depend on you. It is important to make sure your payments have been accounted for correctly and that your account has been verified. To provide you with your maximum benefits.
Life Changes Can Affect Your Benefits.
Confirm the details in your Social Security Record about any changes in your life: divorce, death of a spouse, or name changes due to marriage are all important factors in making sure you receive your owed benefits.
Make Sure Your Earnings Are Reported Correctly.
According to a recent report, the biggest cause of not obtaining the maximum benefit you are owed is simple mistakes.
Everyone makes mistakes but when it comes to maximizing your earned benefits, mistakes can mean a loss in retirement income.
No Matter If the Error Is a Personal Detail or An Earnings Reporting Mistake, It’s Important That You Verify Information Is Accurate on Your Social Security Benefits Statement.
If you have divorced, remarried, lost a spouse, changed your name, lived in a foreign country or ever been out of the work force for a significant period of time, verify your Social Security account. The earlier you make corrections in errors could mean a world of difference in the future. Waiting too long might mean records are more difficult to find and produce.
If Your Circumstances Change Each Year, Make Sure You Check Your Statement Annually.
As long as your earnings continue to be taxed for Social Security, you should be checking that your Benefits Statement shows the proper earnings and tax information – this is a simple step to include after your taxes have been filed.
If your Marriage status or other important life circumstances change, you should also make sure that change is reflected in that year’s Social Security Benefits Statement.